Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “The Queen’s Justice”

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In Jaime’s room, the Kingslayer has removed his golden hand after a long day’s work. Like his siblings, he’s chilling with some wine.

Cersei arrives, eager to celebrate death and torture.

Jaime is less eager, but Cersei convinces him.

Afterwards, Cersei sleeps peacefully. No imagining how to murder her enemies tonight.

Jaime, however, is laying awake watching Cersei sleep like he’s in a romantic comedy.

Cersei is awoken by a knock at the door.

Jaime is nervous about exposing their relationship.

But Cersei opens the door anyway, to reveal a servant wearing her exact haircut. Tycho Nestoris of the Iron Bank has arrived and wants to see her.

Also, the servant sees Jaime in bed. We’re through the looking glass now.

Jaime embraces this new post-secret life with a smile.

Later, Cersei greets Tycho with booze, the universal ice-breaker. He’s not interested, but does wants Cersei to pay back the Crown’s debt.

Cersei listens and enjoys her breakfast.

Nestoris is considering funding Daenerys Targaryen, but Cersei talks him out of that. She asks him to stay for a fortnight, in which time she promises to pay off the Crown’s debt.

Let’s see what you got, Cersei.