Valar Morghulis: Who’s most likely to die in “The Spoils of War”?

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10-19. Wun-Wun-smashing-that-dude-into-the-wall surprised

When you shoot a giant with a crossbow, what do you think is going to happen? We wouldn’t be surprised if any of these people kicked it.

10. Benjen Stark: 35%. Benjen is never going to be out of danger — waging a one-man guerrilla war against the army of the dead will do that to you.

11. Littlefinger: 35%. From where we’re sitting, every week looks like the week that Brienne lops off Littlefinger’s head on Sansa’s orders. Now that the all-seeing Bran has arrived in Winterfell, full of knowledge of Littlefinger’s past misdeeds, maybe the week has finally come.

12. Qyburn: 30%. Qyburn might be the cleverest person Cersei knows, but does that mean he’ll see a little bird coming at him a knife? We’re not convinced a few of them aren’t still loyal to Varys.

13.  Dolorous Edd: 25%. If we were Edd, and the Night King was headed straight for us, we’d hightail it to Dorne. Edd is a better man than us, but we’re safer.

14. Tormunt Giantsbane: 25%. Like Edd, Tormund is stationed at the Wall, which always threatens to become the most dangerous place in Westeros

15. Drogon: 23%. Dany rides Drogon. Dany is going to fly straight at the Lannisters, giant crossbows and all.

16. Viserion: 22%. Unlike Drogon, Viserion and Rhaeghal are riderless, which puts them both at an advantage and a disadvantage. The Lannisters will likely concentrate on killing Dany, but dragons without direction could get themselves in trouble.

17. Rhaegal: 22%. See above.

18. Edmure Tully: 21%. Edmure, Edmure, wherefore art thou Edmure? Looked in a dungeon somewhere, we think. Hope you don’t starve to death.

19. Daenerys Targaryen: 20%. This is the highest Dany has ever been on our charts. Sure, all of Dany’s allies advised her against flying off on Drogon to burn her enemies, but that seems exactly like what she plans to do.