Valar Morghulis: Who’s most likely to die in “The Spoils of War”?

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31-48. Red-Wedding surprised

We would stake our life that these characters make it through “The Spoils of War.”

31. Jon Snow: 11%. While Jon remains on Dragonstone, our guess is he’s pretty safe. Still, with Melisandre leaving the continent, there’ll be no one around to bring him back should he fall.

32. Davos Seaworth: 10%. Davos is serving well in his role as adviser to Jon Snow, and seems as safe as his master as long as he stays on Dragonstone.

33. Yohn Royce: 9%. Royce should be a little safer now that he’s getting to know Sansa. She could help shield him from Littlefinger’s machinations.

34. Ghost: 9%. Where has Ghost been? Jon couldn’t even ask Sansa to look after his dog while he’s gone?

35. Tycho Nestoris: 8%. Nestoris is hanging out in King’s Landing on Iron Bank business. If things were to go wrong, though, it wouldn’t be the first time Cersei executed someone for being a nuisance.

36. Archmaester Ebrose: 7%. Ebrose is a careful guy, but working with the people infected by greyscale is dangerous work.

37. Lyanna Mormont: 6%. We think Lyanna departed Winterfell for Bear Island, which should keep her out of harm’s way so long as the White Walkers don’t break through the Wall, which we doubt will happen this fast.

38. Samwell Tarly: 5%. Sam is breaking all the rules at the Citadel, which could conceivably put him in danger. But probably, like, mild danger. Like papercuts.

39. Gilly (And little Sam): 5%. As long as Sam is washing his hands before he comes home, Gilly and little Sam are safe.

40. Cersei Lannister: 4%. Cersei is winning battles on every front, so she hardly seems in danger.

41. Bran Stark: 3%. Bran safely made it back to Winterfell, where he is now focused on fighting the Night King and making his sister uncomfortable.

42. Arya Stark: 3%. Meanwhile, Arya is on way to Winterfell, and it would be a new kind of twist of the knife to kill her before she gets there.

43.  Sansa Stark: 3%. Sansa is running the North like a boss, and with more Starks arriving in Winterfell everyday, has to survive so we can see more touching reunion scenes.

44. Tyrion Lannister: 2%. Tyrion isn’t a fighter, so things would have to be really bad for him to get involved in a battle.

45.  The Night King: 1%. The Night King is marching for the Wall, but likely won’t circumvent it for a while. The show has to wait for the most dramatic moment possible. Patience.

Next: FBI joins investigation into HBO leak, which could be much worse than originally thought

How do you think we did? Who do you think is gonna bite it? Let us know, and we’ll be back to review our picks next Saturday.

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