After an episode filled with levity and happy family reunions, last Sunday’s new episode of Game of Thrones — “The Spoils of War” — concluded with a massive dragon battle. For the first time in the show’s history, we saw a full-grown Drogon unleashed on an army. It was stunning and horrifying all at the same time, and included plenty of terrific visuals. In honor of such a display of magnificence, we break down the episode shot by shot. Because we’re obsessed. Let’s get to it!
The episode opens as the Lannister and Tarly forces are emptying out Highgarden. Add this stunning countryside to our list of places to travel.
Nice shot of the Tarly forces; we didn’t see their banners last week.
This was an odd shot — for some reason, the camera operator chose to focus on this weed.
Look at all the gold. If you zoom in, you can make out the Tyrell rose stamped on each bar.
Our man Bronn is securing his sack of gold, which seemed rather heavy.
Not content with just gold, Bronn glances over his shoulder and asks for Highgarden.
Jaime explains why being rich is really more trouble than it’s worth. I don’t blame Bronn for staring at the beautiful countryside.
Up ride the Tarlys, confident horsemen both.
Bronn leaves with the Tarlys to bully farmers into giving up their harvests, and we get a look at that skyline again.
Jaime and the army march on. Are the bluffs in the distance the same ones where the battle will happen later?
Jaime is taking the Highgarden gold to King’s Landing, where Cersei entertains Tycho Nestoris in the Red Keep.
Such a stately study. Naturally, Cersei is receiving Nestoris in the same room her father Tywin used. She’s in the Tower of the Hand.
Check out the symbol on the spine of the book Tycho is reaching for. The Iron Bank’s logo?
We can’t get enough of this beautiful map.
Creepy Tycho Face is the next RBF.
Next, things move to Winterfell.
Catspaw! Such an elegant looking blade.
Littlefinger is offering it to Bran as a gift, a memento of his ruined life. Maybe a card would be better next time.
Littlefinger prattles on about wanting to save Catelyn, speaking out of the side of his mouth as per usual.
Bran looks him and the camera right in the eyes and repeats Littlefinger’s line about chaos being a ladder.
It’s like a kick to Littlefinger’s brain. Baelish is clearly stunned.
But he recovers quickly. It seems the pair have a guest.
It’s Meera Reed, Bran’s ride for the past season.
She’s smiling, but it’s a painful smile. Bran is dismissive of Meera, who is headed home.
I am Ellie Kendrick’s shattered heart.