Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “The Spoils of War”

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Dragonstone looking majestic as always.

Before they meet with the new guy, they share a secret girls’ moment over Grey Worm.

Look at that sun breaking over the hill as the trio march along the beach. Go go location shooting.

Another great shot of the beach with Dragonstone looming in the background.

Time to go spelunking in this tidal cave.

The production uses firelight well in this scene, isolating Dany and Jon in warm spots of light, surrounded by darkness.

Dany is stunned at the caverns, but Jon has a few more surprises, namely drawings made by the First Men.

That one on the top right there looks like something from the hatch in Lost.

Jon shows Dany a painting of the Children and the First Men working together. Their common goal?

To defeat the White Walkers. The renderings of the Walkers look more detailed than the other ones — maybe the Children took some painting classes and made these later.

The effect is not lost on Dany, who still looks all kinds of impressed.

She pledges to fight for Jon if he bends the knee. The lighting creates a feeling of intimacy, although we don’t know how much of that intended.

Back outside, the group Tyrion delivers the bad news about the Tyrells.

We get more nice views of the beach as Dany lets loose on her advisers, especially Tyrion, who wilts a little under the assault.

Come on, Varys — help a bro out.

In the distance, the dragons fly off the coast. They’re too powerful a weapon for Dany to ignore. More on that later.