Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “The Spoils of War”

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We head north to Winterfell for our favorite weekly segment: Brienne beating the tar out of Podrick Payne.

But here comes a new challenger.

Little Arya Stark, proudly wearing Littlefinger’s Valyrian steel dagger on her hip.

Brienne examines the blade, which looks like a steak knife in her hand.

Littlefinger and Sansa have the best seat in the house for the coming duel.

And now, Brienne picks on someone not remotely her size but very near her skill level. It’s an entertaining standoff:

Arya is graceful and quick, but Brienne…

Brienne’s got pure brute force on her side, kicking Arya right in the chest.

Arya does a sweet ninja flip and is back on her feet.

Brienne doesn’t know what to make of Arya’s fighting style.

As the two continue to duel, as Sansa and Littlefigner look on. Baelish seems amused, but Sansa appears worried. Or is she impressed into silence? It’s hard to tell.

Neeedle lying in the dirt. It looks ust like the one hanging on my wall…

Arya doesn’t let a little thing like losing her sword stop the fight. It should be noted that Arya has the blunt edge of the knife towards Brienne. Safety first.

There is some symmetry to Arya fighting so well against Brienne considering that Brienne beat the Hound in single combat, and the Hound once derided Arya’s water dancing technique.

Littlefinger smiles at Arya after the duel, but Arya just stares intensely back at him.