Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “The Spoils of War”

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Back to the Dragonstone Resort, where Davos and Jon are having a leisurely stroll along the sea wall.

And with views like this, can you blame them?

The pair come upon Missandei of Naaaaaaath, or at least that’s how Ser Davos puts it.

Blah blah blah, they talk about how cool Dany is. We’re just here for those backgrounds.

Into one of those backgrounds sails a Greyjoy ship.

Theon and crew come ashore, pulling their boat through the surf.

Oh, Alfie Allen, never lose that glare. It’s not proud — it’s closer to resolute, like he’s ready to bear what he knows is coming.

That would be Jon Snow, who’s ready to extract vengeance on Theon for his crimes against House Stark.

Jon is barely contained fury in this scene, which is a nice break from brooding Jon.

Theon has returned for Dany’s help, but Dany has gone. Gone where?