Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “The Spoils of War”

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The Lannisters are on their way back in King’s Landing, and rest near some bluffs near a lake.

Those rocks look pretty comfortable. Do you think Ed Sheeran and his battalion are among the lounging soldiers?

Randyll Tarly rides up to inform Jaime that all the gold has reached King’s Landing. But the way he says things, it still sounds like bad news.

As the gold was taken in first, the only thing we are left with are carts laden with food . Highly flammable food.

Dickon Tarly, ladies and gentlemen. His chat with Bronn and Jaime is one of the lighter moments of the episode. It’s fleeting.

Bronn is the first to notice a sound in the distance, like approaching thunder. It would have been fun to see that water vibrate behind him, but we’re probably asking too much.

Looks like storm clouds on the horizon.

The Lannister soldiers leave the rock chairs behind and from up.

We can just barely start to see what’s coming over the hill.

It’s Dany’s Dothraki horde. From the Dothraki to the wagons to the bluffs, there’s a lot of detail in this shot. Soak it in before the blood starts to fly.

The soldier on the right is shaking with fear. And we haven’t even got to the bad part.

The look on Jaime’s face is priceless. They’ve heard something, something loud and screechy.

It’s a dragon, Drogon to be exact. If we saw this, we’d run like hell.

Because look at that damn thing. No thank you.

Dany looking hella intense. “Dracarys!” she says.

The results are instant and devastating.

Did this guy’s head incinerate?

Dickon = the audience.

Dothraki are afraid of salt water, but fire is cool.

This was a living breathing person moments before. It’s hard to argue with Dany’s advisers about keeping the dragons on a leash if this is the result.

The Lannister lines are beginning to splinter. Fire will do that.

Any good infantry commander will tell you that a hole in the line is the beginning of the end. And the Dothraki are steaming through this one.

Everyone on the right side of this image is booking it, even the horses. Left side doesn’t even seem to notice.

We’re guessing these are soldiers on the right side.