Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “The Spoils of War”

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This Dothraki guy duel wielding arakhs is our spirit animal.

The Lannisters are taking down a few Dothraki here, but there’s probably a few more on the way.

Like these guys.

Or these one, who are standing on their galloping horses while shooting their bows, which is a thing that some ancient tribes did, awesomely enough.

The Lannisters are still putting up a good fight, despite their many problems.

These guys dodge some CGI arrows as they charge in. The Dothraki dude on the left is loving it.

This poor guy finally gets a win, and down swoops Drogon.

And how he’s dead.

So are a lot of people.

These next few shots send chills down my spine.

Drogon flies off, smoke rising anywhere he flies.

Those archers might appear to be fleeing, but they are actually answering Jaime’s call.

They look just like the Tarly sigil, no?

Dany heads right towards the Lannsiter bowmen. She’s not using a harness or anything — she’s just hanging on.

The arrows do nothing to Drogon, of course, and the dragon continues to rain hell down on the Lannisters.

This Lannister soldier collapsing on this weapons rack stuck with me. The episode is really emphasizing what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a dragon attack. Before this episode, mostly been in the air with Dany.

Love this shot of the Dothraki with Drogon swooping overhead.

Bronn makes a hard charge for Qyburn’s scorpion, flinging a knife at a coming Dothraki warrior in his way.

But the Dothraki guy dodges, and then chops off one of Bronn’s horse’s legs. That doesn’t seem like something a Dothraki would do.

Bronn gazes at that heavy sack of gold Jaime gave him earlier, which got away from him in the chaos. Hardly seems like something you want to carry around in a battle.