Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “The Spoils of War”

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This extended sequence of Bronn dodging everything from flaming carts to flaming Lannister soldiers reminded us of Jon Snow’s long take in “Battle of the Bastards,” and we love it.

It’s very cool to get a grunt’s eye view of what it’s like to fight a dragon.

Bronn eventually arrives at his destination and takes control of one of Qyburn’s scorpions. A Dothraki warrior almost stops him, but Bronn plugs him with a giant bolt before he can act.

Call us crazy, but if that thing could punch through a dragon skull in King’s Landing, we’re betting it would go right through the wood of this cart.

After reloading, Bronn is ready. This is what hunters call poor conditions for shooting something in the sky. It’s a technical term.

Tyrion surveys the battle from afar. The Lannisters are actually fleeing at this point, not responding to Jaime’s call.

Much as we like Daenerys, we can feel Tyrion’s conflict.

It’s rough out there for a Lannister.

Something about this shot reminded me of the X-Wing’s skimming across the water in The Force Awakens.

Great shot of Drogon’s fireball erupting from his mouth.

And its results.

Soldiers turned instantly to ash. Not sure how Jaime avoided the fire mere feet away.

On his scorpion, Bronn stands out as a target.

Bronn fires and hits Drogon right in the shoulder. Did nobody learn anything from Rickon? Zig zag, Drogon!

Drogon begins to plummet, along with our hearts.

But he levels out just in time.

The scale in this shot is incredible. Look at how small that scorpion looks.

Torching it was not enough, as Drogon petulantly smashes the scorpion for good measure.

Again, the scale here is great. Use the dead Lannisters for comparisons. One dead Lannister equals about six feet.

Should I? Jaime thinks. I should.

Tyrion’s view of the battle. What a view it is.

Jaime snatches up the spear and charges toward the Mad King’s daughter, “Holding Out For a Hero” pounding in his head.

This next several shots are a cinematographer’s wet dream. The whole battle is, really, but this moment amped things up.

Dany seems shocked, but not too worried. After all, she has a powerful protector.

What a shot. Fire coming up Drogon’s throat, ready to incinerate poor Jaime.

Bronn swoops in like Spider Man, but where did Dany go?

Jaime begins to sink to the bottom of the deepest lake in Westeros, and we roll on the credits. What an episode!

Next: 'The Spoils of War' is the highest-rated episode of Game of Thrones ever

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