Game of Thrones episode 704, “The Spoils of War,” was one heck of a thrill ride. From the emotionally charged Stark family reunion to a climactic battle that saw Daenerys unleash the full power of her dragon, Drogon on Jaime Lannister his army.
We’re here to recap it all with the magic of GIFs from the communities at Cooler and COUB. Let’s dive right in.
We begin our recap with nothing really exciting. Jaime gave Bronn some gold. Bronn complained…
…and then was sent to bully some poor farmers.
In King’s Landing, Cersei showed off her new rug to Tycho Nestoris. He wasn’t impressed.
At Winterfell, Bran got a shiny new dagger from Littlefinger.
Bran wasn’t impressed…
…so he blew Littlefinger’s mind to pieces.
Meera said she was leaving and that she was pregnant with Bran’s child. Just kidding, he wouldn’t have cared anyway.
Arya arrived at Winterfell. A moment we all were waiting for.
Arya tried to walk through the front door but was stopped by two bumbling idiots. Didn’t they watch the season 7 premiere?
Incoming feels.
Sansa and Arya had a nice reunion in the Winterfell crypt.
And Arya pretended not to be a badass.
Bran gave Arya his shiny new Valyrian steel dagger and now we have three Star kids at home.
At Dragonstone, Missandei was glowing and Dany noticed.
Jon Snow showed up and took Dany to a cave…his signature move.
But Dany saw through Jon’s slick moves and made fun of his cave art exhibit.
Jon was not to be denied, however, and he took Dany farther into the exhibit.
“But I think we’re related,” said Dany.
The two lovebirds were interrupted by some bad news, and Dany wasn’t happy.
“Do you remember that cave?” Dany asked Jon Snow. “We should have stayed in that cave,” she said. But Jon was embarrassed his cave game didn’t work on her the first time and told her she’d just get more of the same.
At Winterfell, Brienne was kicking the crap out of poor Podrick.
Arya showed up…
…and promptly challenged Brienne to a duel.
Arya quickly got the upper-hand…
…and showed off a bit.
Brienne countered with a solid kick, but Arya had something in store for her.
The duel ended with Arya showing us just how much of a ninja assassin she really is.
Littlefinger needed to change his shorts after watching the duel.
Back at Dragonstone, Jon and Davos were out for a nice stroll. Davos asked Jon how his date with Dany at the cave art exhibit went.
Jon wasn’t interested in love talk, so Davos hit him with a Stannis Baratheon grammar bomb.
Davos showed Jon how to properly hit on a girl.
But Missandei wasn’t interested.
Jon noticed a Greyjoy ship was about to dock at Dragonstone, and it was carrying his arch nemesis.
Meanwhile, at the loot train which was nearing King’ Landing, Jaime and Bronn decided to haze the new guy.
Bronn was just about to zing the new guy again when he heard something.
Dany and drogon showed up with a bunch of Conan the Barbarian cosplayers and she shouted, “We don’t need no water, let the motherf*cker burn.”
We pause this regularly scheduled GIF-cast for a moment of serenity. Take us home, Don Draper.
Back to the action, we were very glad to finally see Dany roast some Lannisters.
Drogon kept the BBQ going while Dany played some tunes.
The battle neared its end, and Jaime decided to charge into the mouth of hell. We will always love you, Jaime.
“We need a hero, we’re holding out for a hero ’til the end of the Long Night. He’s gotta be blonde, and he’s gotta have one hand, and he’s gotta be fresh from the fight.”
That’s it, for now, kiddies, come next week for our GIF recap of episode 705, “Eastwatch.”
Next: Easter Eggs and callbacks in 'The Spoils of War'
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