Video: Jon Snow proves he’s good with pets


Tonight on Game of Thrones, Jon Snow got up close and personal with a certain enormous, dangerous, fire-breathing fella. Watch the clip below.

Daenerys returned from her victory in the Loot Train Attack to find Jon Snow still on Dragonstone, mining the place dry. Still mounted on Drogon, she let her favorite child get right in Jon Snow’s face…and the King in the North didn’t flinch.

Dany was impressed, as were we — we certainly would have run screaming, but that would probably have just increased the chances that the dragon would eat us, so Jon probably had the right idea.

We’ve seen the dragons behave this way before. For example, when Tyrion visited Rhaegal and Viserion in the chambers beneath Meereen last season, they were happy to let him undo their chains. “Dragons are intelligent,” he said at the time. “They have affection for their friends and fury for their enemies. I am their friend.”

It appears that Jon Snow is their friend, too, which can only be a good thing for the developing alliance between the King in the North and the Mother of Dragons. Of course, we know that Jon is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. Might the dragons consider Jon more than just a friend? Perhaps they sense his Targaryen blood and are treating him well because…hey, he’s family.

More on that as it comes.

Next: Small Council: What did we think of “The Spoils of War?”

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