Valar Morghulis: Who’s most likely to die in “Beyond the Wall”?

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Valar morghulis: All men (and women) must die. But when?

Welcome to Valar Morghulis, a weekly column about death and destruction in the wide world of Westeros. Each week, we’ll try to predict how likely every character on Game of Thrones is to breathe their last in the upcoming episode. We’ll also review what we got right, as well as what we got horribly wrong, last time.

Thanks to Daenerys and Drogon, we had a few deaths this past week on “Eastwatch.” Let’s take a look at our predictions from last week.

"3.  Randyll Tarly: 70%. Technically, we don’t even know that Randyll isn’t dead already. He was present at the start of the battle, and then seemingly disappeared. That can’t be good."

Randyll survived the battle, but was quickly torched by Daenerys for refusing to bend the knee. After the way Randyll treated Samwell, we weren’t sad to see him go though.

"4. Dickon Tarly: 69%. Dickon’s whereabouts are unknown as well, and we know from the preview for “Eastwatch” that Dany is still lurking about with Drogon. Neither bodes well for poor Dickon. We like that guy."

Poor, stupid Dickon. While Randyll might have had it coming, we liked Dickon. Despite being given an out by both his father and Tyrion, Dickon chose to be roasted alongside his father. Farewell, Dickon. We barely knew ye.

Onto this week’s episode: “Beyond the Wall.” The title comes from Jon Snow’s mission to capture a wight…beyond the Wall. Get it?

Anyways, the episode looks incredibly dangerous, and we are guessing there will be a lot of casualties.

****Percentages refer to how likely the character is to die, not survive.****