Doctor Who Superlative: Best new alien – the emoji bots!
Doctor Who, BBC
Okay, this might also fall under ‘Doctor Who unpopular opinions’, but I’m giving Most Memorable Alien to the Emojibots!
Yes, there are bigger and badder aliens, and there are creepier ones on Doctor Who, but as many people pointed out to me: aliens don’t have to be bad. And what alien was cuter than the emoji robots that appeared in Smile, the second episode of the season?
In my opinion, the episode with these robots brought back a feeling of the adipose. They could do dangerous things, and under the wrong circumstances, they would. However, in reality, they were pretty simple and innocent.
In case you don’t remember, the emoji bots were part of a settler colony that was there to get the planet ready for the new colonists. They were there to serve the people, but in the end, they got too destructive in their own ironic way. The robots recognized sadness as something bad, and then realized the only way they could help the sadness was to kill the people.
Because of that, we spent most of the episode scared of these creatures that were really only servants to the new people. When the colonists woke up, they went after the emoji bots, claiming they didn’t mean anything and they weren’t human. (Does that have a PC ring to it? Yes, but moving on…)
And while the sprinkle of symbolism is part of why I love these robots, I mostly love them because they’re so darn cute! We never really have cute aliens, and as my friend said, “it felt like Russel T. Davies wrote this episode.” The emoji bots brought out a nice reminder of older New Who. It also showed how much we use emojis if they were able to make an entire episode about it. Especially since it didn’t come off completely stupid or out of nowhere. It simply showed how much those small smiley faces are in our lives.
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It also showed how much we use emojis if they were able to make an entire episode about it. If they had done it a couple years ago, we probably would have been really confused. But now, not only did it not come off completely stupid or out of nowhere, it’s kind of possible when you think about it. It doesn’t look like emojis are going anywhere. It simply showed how much those small smiley faces are in our lives.