Valar Morghulis: Who’s most likely to die in the season 8 premiere?

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20-29. Tywin-Lannister-sitting-on-the-toilet surprised

It was surprising, but the way he treated his family had to come back and bite him sooner or later. If these characters died in the season 8 premiere we’d raise an eyebrow.

20. Brienne of Tarth: 22%. The dead are the only ones we seeing being able to take down Brienne, but Oathkeeper should keep her alive through the premiere.

21. Davos Seaworth: 20%. Davos is not a fighter, but the dead won’t care. Still, Davos’ death in the premiere would be a shocker. And we’d riot.

22. Jorah Mormont: 20%. Old man Jorah survived his first encounter with the dead, but will lightening strike twice? A skilled warrior like Jorah will be right in the thick of things.

23. Missandei: 18%. Missandei dying would be a shocker, but what if Cersei takes a shot at Dany and misses? Or the Night King? Being by Dany’s side is a dangerous place to be right now.

24. The Hound: 15%. We foresee both an Arya/Hound reunion and CleganeBowl before the Hound buys it. He better get busy if he wants to die.

25. Lyanna Mormont: 14%. As best we can, tell Lyanna went back to Bear Island, and the dead can’t swim, right?

26. Jaime Lannister: 12%. Jaime is riding north through country populated by his enemies. It’d be shocking if one of them took him down before he reached Winterfell, but this is Game of Thrones.

27. Archmaester Ebrose: 10%. You didn’t have to be such a jerk to Sam, Archmaester. We hope you died of old age.

28. Ghost: 10%. Do we even know if Ghost is alive? At this point, he’s been gone for close to  two whole seasons.

29. Nymeria: 8%. Our guess is that Nymeria and her wolfpack have some part to play in the Great War, and therefore are safe for the premiere episode.