Doctor Who superlative, season 9: Best Missy moment



After doing a round of Doctor Who superlatives last month for season ten, I decided to go back and do them for other seasons of New Who. After a poll on Twitter, it came out that most people wanted to see a superlative of season nine. Since that’s one my favorite seasons, I happily oblige!

For starters, we’re going to start off with something easy: The Best Missy Moment. Even though Michelle Gomez only appeared in two episode of season nine, she made an impact on the season that would resonate through the rest of the season and into the next. That’s just what Michelle Gomez does. Her ability to make an impact is just that astounding.

In two episodes, there are far too many moments to pick just one, but if I had to pick, I suppose I would go with the one that is the most iconic. When Clara gets called to UNIT, Missy sends a message to let them know who is controlling the airplanes.


For me, this was a huge moment. This is the moment that made me love Missy. When I saw that they’d made the Master a woman, I thought they were trying to find a new love interest. I figured, since River wasn’t going to be coming back, they had to give the Doctor someone new. And changing the Master was confusing.

But this beginning of season nine changed everything. It made me realize that she was different than any character we’d seen before. They weren’t just trying to give the Doctor a new love interest by making the Master a woman. It didn’t matter that the Master had changed, she was just as crazy as ever.

This is only one of the many iconic Missy moments in season nine, but Hey Missy probably is one of the best to re-introduce a character in a new season.

Like I said, there are too many Missy moments to count, even in two episodes! What’s your favorite Missy moment from season nine?