Cosplay is an important part of any fandom! We here at Doctor Who Watch are going to start showing you ways to dress like your favorite characters without breaking the bank!
In October, I did a post on how to be the Tenth Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack for Halloween on a budget. With the announcement of Thirteen’s outfit, I decided that I would do another one! Doctor Who Closet cosplays for people on a budget.
Originally, I was going to do River Song’s outfits, but with the release of the Thirteenth Doctor’s outfit, there’s going to be a rush of cosplayers. I don’t know if I’m going to find all these, but I am committed!
Okay, so first let’s start with a picture of the outfit.
(Not pictured: brown boots and blue striped socks)
I knew the coat would be the hardest thing to find, and alas, it is. There’s nothing completely screen accurate, especially with the lining. So actual cosplayers, it’s gonna take some hand craftiness to get what you want.
Closet cosplayers, this is the closest thing I can get you, but at $66, we’ve already exceeded our price range. This one has more buttons but is $18.99. You can always put tan buttons on, right? Coat – $19
The second hardest part is going to be that shirt. Once you google ‘grey and rainbow shirt’, you get a lot of LGBTQIA shirts. HOWEVER. Just when I thought it was all for nothing, BOOM. $3 shirt, pretty much screen accurate.
Yellow suspenders: for $8
Currently, my fashion designer and I are having an argument:
"Her: “They need to be culottes!”Me: “Can’t we just try to find the right color first?”Her: “WHY DO THEY NOT HAVE CULOTTES IN FUN COLORS?”"
We finally let go of the culotte idea (though we admit it is fun to say) and give you these: Capri culottes: for $14.99.
Sorry, we got caught up on screen accurate-ness. In reality, if you need a quick fix, try these for $8.64. Just don’t tell my sister/stylist.
Blue and green striped socks: *screen accurate $18 *closet $11
Brown boots: pretty screen accurate* $30 Closet: 12*
For the badass earrings, it’s $11 but let’s be real, you probably have hoop earrings to fit.
Final tally: $151 with screen accurate-ish, $71 with the closet cosplay. We, unfortunately, failed at keeping it under 50. But you can probably find Blue and green striped socks for much cheaper at a Target, and a much cheaper coat option at a thrift store.