Game of Thrones has an ensemble cast, with more characters than many of us can keep track of. With so many sharing the screen, it can be hard to determine who, if anyone, is the “main character,” or even if such a title is needed. But we can look at how often each character has been on screen over the past seven years, which is what IMDb user ninewheels0 did. TNW picked up on that treasure trove of data and put it into graph form.
So who is the main character on Game of Thrones? It turns out that Jon Snow, at least, has had the most screentime. Check out the graph:
Tyrion comes in at a close second behind Jon, followed by Daenerys, Sansa, and Cersei, who is surely infuriated to be in fifth. It’s also interesting that Ned Stark still ranks in the top 15 characters when it comes to screentime despite being dead for six of the show’s seven seasons. Way to go.
TNW also visualized the data by season, showing who racked up the most screentime year by year. Jon may have the most overall, but he wasn’t at the top every season, and didn’t come close in season 2.
Finally, TNW broke it down by house. House Stark is way in the lead, but keep in mind that Jon was categorized as a Stark for seasons 1-6, and counted as a Targaryen for season 7, after we learned that his father was Rhaegar Targaryen…while we watched him have sex with Daenerys…who is his aunt.
The good news is that your favorite character or house still has a chance to rise in the rankings in season 8. I’m pulling for you, Bronn.
Next: War is Swell: Infographics explore the Battle of Blackwater Bay and the Battle of the Bastards
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