Doctor Who Superlative: Happiest Christmas Special

BBC, Doctor Who

Happiness isn’t too much to ask for on Christmas, is it? Which Doctor Who Christmas special left us feeling giddy and happy on Christmas Day?

There are many spectacular Christmas specials — it’s kind of the point! To stick out amongst the rest of the episodes in some way. But there’s one episode that leaves me with an overall happy feeling when I’m done.

Many Christmas episodes have ended with some kind of sad ending since The Christmas Invasion. And it’s not just Moffat’s doing. Which makes sense, in a way. Christmas episodes are often one-offs, and the Doctor always meets someone wanting to board the TARDIS. However, they almost never make it to the TARDIS, as another character has dibs in the next season.

The Christmas Invasion was nothing like that. It focused on Rose, who is trying to deal with alien life without the Doctor. With Rose, Mickey, and Jackie in charge of trying to figure out why Santas and Christmas trees are following them, it gives us a look at the world without the Doctor.

A Heartwarming Episode

When the Doctor finally does wake up, we’re gifted with one of the best performances by David Tennant. Aboard the Sycorax ship when he performs his monologue about who he is gives us the perfect answer to any question regarding regeneration. It’s filled with all the information to answer any New Whovians questions about regeneration, with amazing quips.

"The Doctor: Trouble’s just the bits in-between! It’s all waiting out there, Jackie. And it’s brand new to me – all those planets and creatures and horizons! I haven’t seen them yet, not with these eyes. And it is gonna be… fantastic!"

However, the true reason that it’s the happiest is that it leaves anyone excited for the next episode. It’s not treated as a one-off episode. It’s ended with an


conversation between the Doctor and Rose about whether Rose will continue to travel with the Doctor after he’s regenerated.

"Rose: So, where we gonna go first?The Doctor: [pointing into the sky] Um. That way. No, hold on – that way.Rose: That way?The Doctor: Mmm?Rose: [smiling] Yeah. That way."

If you don’t agree with my choice, let me know which episode you think is the happiest in the comments!

Next: 34 Actors that have been on Doctor Who