Do The Hosts Actually Have Free Will On Westworld?

Westworld Season 1 flirted with the idea that some of the hosts possess free will, but are they are actually being programmed to rebel?

Throughout Westworld Season 1, it appeared that several hosts began acting of their own volition. Maeve and Dolores both seemed to demonstrate free will numerous times; however, the season finale revealed that they were both following their programming. This reveal seemed to have undone any theories regarding the host’s evolution; however, that might not be the case.

According To Jonathon Nolan, One Host Has Actually Demonstrated Free Will

[Credit: HBO]Back in March of 2017, co-creator of Westworld, Jonathan Nolan, dropped the bomb that Maeve is the only hosts to ever act of own free will. Maeve was initially following Bernard’s “Mainland Infiltration” mission, but her decision to seek out the host her daughter was her own.

During a panel at Paley Fest, Nolan made the following comment about Maeve’s decision to not leave the park (via EW):

“The way that we designed it and the way we shot it… that is really the first decision she’s ever made. For me, it’s a very emotional moment in the episode because you’re seeing the first freewill [on Westworld].”

Unless Nolan is trying to purposely mislead fans, this is a huge revelation. Sure, the reveal that Maeve’s escape was a program was disappointing, but Nolan’s comments confirm she deviated from it. This confirms that the hosts can make their own decisions and it opens the door for some intriguing storytelling in Season 2.

How Did Maeve Develop The Ability To Demonstrate Free Will?

It’s possible that Maeve’s “Mainland Infiltration” programming could have been faulty, but that logic doesn’t really gel with the established narrative of the character. First, if we assume her decision was made by faulty programming, it doesn’t really count as free will. At that point, it would just be something that went wrong and a fluke at best. Instead, the function of the program itself is likely the cause of her development.

Bernard’s programming gave Maeve the illusion of free will, and because of it, she genuinely demonstrated the behavior. While it seems counterintuitive, the illusion of free will led to the emergence of true self-aware behavior. Maeve’s choice to return to the host that played her daughter is not strange at all, it’s emotional human decision. That emotional choice, in direct defiance of her programming, is the very essence of free will.

If Maeve Has Free Will, Does That Mean Other Hosts Could In The Future?

[Credit: HBO]If we follow simple logic, it’s probable that Maeve’s sentience is not an anomaly. Sure, several different variables could have caused her to evolve, but it stands to reason that it could happen again. From the information provided by Nolan, it’s likely that Maeve is only the first in a long line of potentially self-aware hosts.

Since Maeve is the first, it’s most likely that Dolores will be next in line to become sentient. Dolores’ programming also gave her the illusion of free will, just like Maeve’s, which means she could follow suit. Of course, we don’t know for sure, but based on the facts, Dolores seems like the best candidate.

Hopefully, Westworld Season 2 will explore how Maeve became self-aware, but for now, we can only theorize and wonder about what comes next. If you haven’t already, make sure to follow the Beyond Westworld Facebook and Twitter accounts!

[Sources: Entertainment Weekly]