Chronicle Books is releasing a Game of Thrones tarot card deck


There’s a lot of Game of Thrones merchandise out there, including playing cards. But this is different. Elite Daily has announced that Chronicle Books will be putting out a set of Game of Thrones-themed tarot cards next year. They’re available to pre-order now.

Tarot cards have an interesting history, although they’re most commonly associated with divination, or forecasting the future through the interpretation of signs. The future of Game of Thrones characters is always in question, so this is a nice fit. Creator Liz Dean talked about why Game of Thrones works so well for this kind of product:

"Archetypes are the foundation of every great tale — and Game of Thrones is an outstanding story, a rich weave … From the icy landscapes beyond the Wall to the hot deserts of Dorne, the world of Game of Thrones is replete with symbolism: an abundant source for a new tarot deck."

The set comes with a hardcover booklet that explains the meaning of the cards and how to use them in a reading. The other big draw is the artwork, which features several of our favorite characters recast as tarot figures, from the obvious…

…to the more esoteric:

Again, you can pre-order your set of Game of Thrones tarot cards right now. Or if you’d rather wait, they’ll be on store shelves on March 20, 2018. Happy reading.

Next: Diana Rigg recalls Lady Olenna: “It was about time that the old bag croaked”

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