Welcome back from the holiday break! Did you enjoy the season? Was there cheer? Did you pack in any Game of Thrones marathons? And if you did the latter, are you up for more?
I ask because HBO, in its infinite wisdom, is marathoning the entirety of Game of Thrones — all 67 episodes — on HBO 2, starting today at 12:00 noon EST (so 11:00 a.m. CST, 10:00 a.m. MST, and so on). Check out HBO’s action-packed trailer below:
Is it weird that this is a trailer advertising a marathon of seasons 1-7 but it only includes footage from season 6? I mean, season 6 was great — I get why you would want to draw from it — but there’s more show there.
Before this, HBO was whipping up holiday cheer with a “12 Days of Game of Thrones” thing, counting down from “12 Pies from Hot Pie” all the way to “1 Iron Throne.”
1 Iron Throne.
— Game of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) December 25, 2017
Happy Holidays to all in the realm. #12DaysofGoT pic.twitter.com/gWDcnQzNpf
“8th season coming” is a bit of a cheat, and reminds us that we have a while to wait before the final season of the show hits our TV screens. Also, points for “4 Starks remaining” and “2 Tall Clegane Men.”
But the long wait is all the more reason why a marathon is important. Gotta fill the time somehow. The marathon will run through December 31, the last day of the year. Happy watching!
And if you need yet more distractions, HBO has created a nifty Facebook camera effect modeled on Zombie Viserion’s blue flame breath.
Rally the Realm.#WinterIsHere with the new #GameofThrones @Facebook camera effect. pic.twitter.com/zBRLNP8IXh
— Game of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) December 22, 2017
Winter is here.
— Game of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) December 21, 2017
Celebrate the #WinterSolstice with the new #GameofThrones @Facebook Camera Effect. pic.twitter.com/FQtTrPfLNa
See you in 2019, Viserion.
Next: Diana Rigg recalls Lady Olenna: “It was about time that the old bag croaked”
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