Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) is currently in the midst of filming the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones, and according to her, the experience is more challenging than it’s ever been.
Speaking to Metro, Williams described what it was like when she first read the scripts for season 8. “For the final season as a whole it was just so impressive,” she said. “My first real thought was, ‘Oh god, we have to shoot this now. And it is kind of an impossible challenge. It will be really difficult.'”
"I am currently on my way to a night shoot, which is week 4 of 12 weeks of night shoots. It’s just huge. The task is huge. But, there’s no better way to leave the show, to be honest."
Those of you paying attention to season 8 SPOILERS may have some idea of what Williams could be shooting at night, but there’s no guarantee. Hopefully, challenges on set will translate into some great watching.

Williams also discussed how much pressure everyone is under to finish out Game of Thrones on a high note. “I’m glad I don’t write the show,” she said. But she’s determined to give it her all, as are the rest of the cast members, who by this point have congealed into an effective team.
"You are constantly trying to do a better job than you did the year before, and everyone is trying to bring the best that they can. Because we are such an ensemble cast, so much of the show isn’t to do with you, and even when you are in the scene it’s not always about you. So it is a real team effort to make this final season the best we have ever done. It’s a lot of pressure, but we just take every day as it comes. And we are just really proud of the work we are doing."
We’re confident the final product will live up to the hype. In the meantime, you can catch Maisie Williams on the big screen in Early Man, an animated movie from the studio behind the Wallace and Gromit films. Williams plays Goona, a bronze age vendor and would-be soccer player…insofar as soccer existed in prehistoric times.
Early Man opens in theaters this weekend. That was actually what the Metro interview was supposed to be about, but you know how it goes whenever a news outlet sits down with a Game of Thrones cast member.
Next: Season 8 filming: Massive new towers added King’s Landing set in Belfast
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