Season 8 filming: A Song of Green Screens and Scaffolding

Between activity in Saintfield, additions to the King’s Landing set at Titanic Studios, and a mysterious behind-the-scenes photo featuring two of the show’s leads, production on Game of Thrones season 8 has been hopping. And it’s far from over. Today, we have new photos that hint at where filming will happen next.

For a while now, we’ve had our eye on a massive green screen the production has erected at Magheramorne Quarry, a site the production has used in the past to film the Battle of Blackwater, the Massacre at Hardhome, and more. By the looks of the photo from libbyscrochetpatch below, shooting will begin soon:

We still don’t know what exactly will be filmed here, but the blanket of fake snow in front of the green screen indicates it has to do with the White Walkers, while the green screen itself tells us that we’re in for a wall of special effects. Finally, Libby tells us that shooting has been happening at night, as it was at the Winterfell set at Moneyglass. Draw what connections you will.

Interestingly, this isn’t the only enormous green screen the production is working with this year. Fansite Watchers on the Wall has images of a new one under construction near the King’s Landing set in Belfast, which is itself stupid big.

Man, it’s gonna be insane when the cameras finally start rolling on this place.

Also, one keen-eyed Twitter user recognized the crates to either side of the green screen setup:

When it comes to big giant crates, you can’t beat the Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation, the official big giant crate supplier of HBO.

Next: Kit Harington shows off his season 8 costume

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