Filming on Game of Thrones season 8 has begun at Magheramorne Quarry, where the production has erected an enormous green screen. Thanks to @DavynightorrOrr and @jct_c, we have photos of a recent night shoot.
Game of Thrones has used Magheramorne Quarry to film several important sequences over the years, including the Battle of Blackwater and the Massacre at Hardhome. It’s also where the set Castle Black set stands — you can see that in the background of the photo below:

The huge green screen, however, is new. The white field in front of the screen indicates snow, and we’ve seen a dusting of fake snow in the area in other images. Finally, notice the trebuchet near the far corner of the white plane. Basically, we think the production will use this green screen to film a snowy, special effects-heavy action scene. It’s a good bet that White Walkers will be involved. And maybe dragons, too, alive or otherwise.
What characters will feature in this action scene? It’s hard to say as of yet, but by the looks of it, the Unsullied play a role. In the two photos below, we can see their distinctive spears and helmets in silhouette against the green screen.

Back in November, we reported that extras playing Unsullied soldiers were filming material at Toome, Northern Ireland, near the Winterfell set in Moneyglass. This new shoot could tie into that. If we were placing bets, we’d guess that everything the Unsullied have been shooting is part of a massive action scene that will go down outside Winterfell, but our guess is no better than yours. What do you think?
UPDATE: Yet more news has come from Magheramorne Quarry, this time with video. Click on:
Next: Video: The cavalry comes to Magheramorne Quarry
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