Game of Thrones fans get engaged in cosplay, and other ephemera


Game of Thrones boasts some of the most dedicated and passionate fans in the world. Case in point: New York cosplayers Eddie Sutton (dressed as The Mountain) and Casterly Fox (dressed as Cersei Lannister) were in the middle of a Thrones-themed photo shoot when Sutton broke character, removed his helmet, and proposed to his queen. Share the love:

The cosplay itself is terrific, as well, right down to the signature Cersei death stare:

The world can always use more Game of Thrones weddings. And if not weddings, commissioned pieces of artwork featuring married couples in cosplay will do:

"[No Spoilers] Art commission for my wife. Thought you might like it too. (By Milica) from gameofthrones"

Moving on, let’s hit a few bits of funny Game of Thrones ephemera as we race for the weekend. First, Gay of Thrones host Jonathan Van Ness sat down with Nerdist’s Alicia Lutes for a rapid-fire round of Game of Thrones word association. Let’s play along.”

“Basket of deplorables” truly is the best way to describe Ramsay Bolton.

Finally, Saturday Night Live veteran appeared in a hilarious skit vet for MTV News. Hader has a new show, Barry, out this Sunday, and the conceit is that he’s missed out on the last few years of pop culture while making it. How does he react when he finds out about the latest goings-on in Westeros?

I imagine this is how most Game of Thrones spoilerphobes reacted back in the day when the show hadn’t outpaced the books. Words really do have consequences.

Next: Game of Thrones will return to the Dragonpit in season 8

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h/t Time