What in the Seven Kingdoms is George R.R. Martin up to? Hot on the heels of the Song of Ice and Fire author announcing that he’d be pulling back from blogging to focus on “LOTS of exciting things,” fans have noticed some odd stuff happening on his Not a Blog. Is he teasing something about The Winds of Winter? Or about the forthcoming Game of Thrones spinoffs? Is he just trolling his fans? Is he high? Let’s see if we can’t puzzle something out.
Today, Martin wrote a cryptic post titled simply “Yowza.” We’re just gonna quote the whole thing, complete with pictures:
"Hiya, kids, hiya, hiya.Never mind The Count. Here’s counting the Gremlin’s Way.OFF WE GO!"

"Even better!"

"Ooops, ouch, ouch ouch ouch."

"Bing bang boom!"

"One for all and all for one.The dragon has three heads.Plunk your magic twangers.I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you."
Oh, so…what?
Naturally, the internet is all over this, with A Song of Ice and Fire theory maven PrestonJacobs helping out by identifying the sources for some of the quotes: “One for all and all for one” is from The Three Musketeers; “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you” is from “The Hounds of Baskervilles,” a Sherlock Holmes story; and “Plunk you magic twangers” is from a kids show from the 1950s called Andy’s Gang. Those are the words used to summon Froggy the gremlin.
What does that all mean? No idea. Obviously, “The dragon has three heads” is a Song of Ice and Fire reference, suggesting that this post is in some way related to ASOIAF or Game of Thrones.
There are other clues. Martin has actually used those pictures of hands once before, in the post from September of last year where he announced that HBO was making five successor shows to Game of Thrones. And he tagged this new post with “television.” Is it also about the successor shows? Is he telling us how many are in production now? Maybe HBO started with four, moved to five, went down to three, and then back to four? Does “the dragon have three heads” mean that there are now three shows in development? GAAAAHH!
Also of interest: in this most recent post, Martin listed his location as “The Lonely Mountain.” Martin usually lists his location as “Santa Fe”…because he lives there. He’s actually been playing games with his location for the last few posts, listing it as “Hidden Fortress” in a March 24 post and “that would be telling” in a March 21 post. Where is he that he can’t be honest about it? Perhaps in Los Angeles to discuss the Game of Thrones prequels, or even in New York to talk with his editor about The Winds of Winter, as one Redditor posits?
What do you guys make of all this?
Next: Jaime and Brienne will [SPOILER] in Game of Thrones season 8
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