Westworld season 2: 5 questions we have after Episode 1

Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations /

The Westworld season two premiere left us with a lot of burning questions!

In the season two premiere of Westworld, we saw a cannibal host, a Bengal tiger, creepy faceless drone hosts, and a vast ocean in the middle of Westworld. What does all of this mean? Our guess is as good as yours but it is safe to assume things are about to get even crazier this season on Westworld.

The season two premiere thrust us back into this insane world as we tried to make sense of where and when the narrative was taking place. In just 75 minutes, the stage was set for what is sure to be one hell of a season. We are super thrilled to dive into the biggest questions from Sunday’s night premiere, so let’s get started, shall we?

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Where did the sea come from?

In the final moments of the season two premiere, Bernard, and co. stumbled across an interesting landscape–a sea. It appears no one knew of its existence and the fact it might have been there all along. Its been two weeks since the gala massacre, so that eliminates Ford (unless this was pre-planned, of course). Could it be the handiwork of hosts that taken over Delos? Hmmm, possibly but that begs the question, why?

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What is the deal with the creepy, faceless drone hosts?

For anyone that watched the premiere, you were introduced to this season’s most frightening characters–the drone hosts. Even Bernard was caught off-guard by their presence, which we’re not entirely sure of just yet.

It’s quite terrifying to see them at work–robots working on other robots. What is their purpose? Why do they exist? And will they be the eventual downfall in the host rebellion? So many questions, not enough answers!

Where exactly did that random tiger come from?

So that was random, right? We know that there are a total of six parks that Delos operates, however, we have no idea where this dead tiger came from. But it also pushes to speculate about the boundaries between each park. Are there no barriers between all of them? Or have they been knocked down because of the host rebellion?

Ashley Stubbs refers to the tiger coming from Park 6, and since tigers aren’t found in Japan, we can eliminate the notion that is from Shogun World. Park 6, what are you?

Westworld /

Why is Delos gathering guest DNA and data?

Charlotte continues to be shadier when season two begins. When hiding out in the underground bunker, Bernard finds out that Charlotte is keeping a rather close eye on all the guests of Delos, invading their privacy by hoarding all their data.

Is the DNA being used to create hosts that are designed to specifically cater to guests? Or is there a bigger plan brewing in the background? Eeep, whatever it is, it can’t be good!

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Are the hosts acting on their free will or is this a narrative Ford concocted before his death?

It is perhaps one of the biggest questions we have for this season of Westworld. While the premise that the hosts are becoming aware and are rebelling on their own free will is extremely exciting, is it possible that this was Ford’s plan all along?

Ford is no longer alive, but this doesn’t mean he didn’t leave something behind. A scene between the Man in Black and a young host Ford reveals that there is still something Ford left behind. What it is exactly, we’ll have to wait to find out.

Next: Thandie Newton to get equal pay on Westworld

There are still so many questions we have regarding the season two premiere of Westworld, and we are just scratching the surface with the five listed above. We are still curious about where this season will lead Maeve, when exactly we’ll see Shogun World, and when we are in the narrative of it all. Luckily, we still have a whole season ahead of us to get some answers!

Are there other questions you are dying to know the answers to? Share your thoughts with us!

Westworld airs every Sunday on HBO at 9 P.M. EST!