Westworld season 2: 5 questions we have after episode 2

Credit: HBO
Credit: HBO /
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations /

Discover HBO Westworld season 2 episode 2 questions about the door, man in black, and Dolores, Maeve, Felix, Peter Abernathy, and Breaking Bad.

It burns!

Episode 2 was another time jumping, sensory overload riddle for us to chew on. But of course, we had questions. It wouldn’t be Westworld if we didn’t. Let’s dig right in.

Was it Gus from Breaking Bad?

Yes, it was! Actor Giancarlo Esposito aka Gustavo Fring of Breaking Bad’s Los Pollos Hermanos did a cameo as El Lazo in the bloodbath of Pariah. I’d like to think the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul audience is in a parallel universe with the Westworld one. Before he shot himself in the head, El Lazo told the Man in Black to play the game (the Door) alone. What is this Door? And does someone need to hold it? I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.

Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations /

What is glory?

The Man in Black and Dolores want glory. They are atheists headed in the same direction with different paths. The Man in Black keeps talking about burning “this place to the ground.” In a flashback, younger William shows Dolores a construction site full of “splendor.”

Once Dolores and William return there, what will they find? Is it the site of a nuclear bomb? The world’s biggest flamethrower? A DNA cloning facility to infiltrate the mainland population? More Westworld drone hosts? Dolores states that “glory is a weapon.” I imagine it will be fully loaded.

Westworld /

Why so Dull-ores?

Granted, the Wyatt version of Dolores is as violent as the guests. She had so much fun shooting the guests and it was so much fun to watch. Now her affect is flat. I miss her range of emotions. Dolores has become the Ariel font. I’m not saying she needs to become Comic Sans, or even just the Papyrus font, just need more there.

For example, when she and Maeve meet accidentally at night, Dolores is so submissive. Maeve uses her clever words like a neurosurgeon, throws some intellectual shade, and Dolores just lets Maeve, Hector, and Sizemore/Tom Sawyer pass.

Tech Felix had given Maeve ultimate control over other hosts in season 1. Does Maeve have control over every host including Wyatt or is Dolores just picking her battles?

lawrence saved william westworld
lawrence saved william westworld /

Can ants eat you alive?

Poor Lawrence–he’s like Teddy Jr. We saw him hanging from his feet consumed by ants until his bestie, the Man in Black saves him once again. Can real ants consume a human being? If they’re army ants, yes they can.

ep 2 dolores bernard opening scene evan jeffrey
ep 2 dolores bernard opening scene evan jeffrey /

And what about…

Was that Armistice in a white dress at the James Delos retirement party? Why was William’s wife giving Dolores the stink eye? Does she know about Dolores and William’s wayward romance thanks to Logan?

When will we see Felix? Is he okay? I worry about him like he is real. Did Maeve program all the hosts to leave him alone? I hope so.

Next: Westworld renewed for season three!

Did Arnold’s house remind anyone of the Ennis House by Frank Lloyd Wright? Where is Peter Abernathy? Where’s Elsie? Why does the white stuff burn?

What would it take for Westworld O.G. James Brolin to do a cameo?

Watch Westworld on Sundays at 9 P.M. E.S.T on HBO to get some answers and even more questions!