Westworld season 2, episode 3 recap of Virtù e Fortuna – Part 3 of 3. The hosts continue their takeover to reign supreme over the park.
Episode 3 was as action-packed as we wanted it to be. The hosts are gaining the upper ground. The last 10 minutes of the show are incredible! Will Virtue and Fortune be with the Westworld hosts? Let’s find out!
Spoilers ahead!
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Charlotte gets stopped by one of the recon teams. She says she’s human and they scan a chip in the back of her neck. While awaiting the results she sees very nervous. When it checks out she’s Charlotte Hale, she is visibly relieved. I’ll say it again. I don’t think Charlotte’s human. Charlotte asks the recon team if they’re heading to Fort Forlorn Hope in Sector 21 and if they’re truly prepared. The look the team leader gives her, is not one that inspires confidence.
Back at Fort Forlorn Hope, the Colonel is telling Dolores everything she needs to know about their preparations for the upcoming battle. Messengers on horseback say they’ve seen the enemy coming up from the ground and they’re heading their way. Dolores of course convinces the Colonel to use her strategy for the battle. Of course this won’t end well for the Confederados.
Meanwhile Bernard, who’s still suffering from a bad case of the shakes, is attempting to fix Peter. He comes across the right settings and quiets him. He also looks at the tablet and says “My God!”, in an astonishing tone.
Outside, the battle begins. The Colonel, Major, Teddy and Dolores watch and shoot from atop the fort. The recon team is cutting the Confederados like a warm knife through butter. A two man advance team makes their way through the fort doors and take Peter away. Bernard manages to disconnect his forearm cable just in time to not get caught. He is shaking in the corner and we see his ear is again leaking clear liquid.

Dolores signals to Angela. Angela removes a red banner hanging over the side of the fort. Clementine and the rest of Dolores’ army of masked men immediately jump into action. Dolores sees her father being taken away by the two-man team and begins to pursue. Teddy follows after her. Peter is loaded into the dune buggy Charlotte is in.
In a scene straight out of Terminator, we see Dolores shooting at the buggy taking a shot to the lower abdomen and shoulder, neither of which stop her attack. I think I’m in love at this point. Dolores tells Teddy to split up the hoard and have half of them find Peter. Teddy asks what about them and she says they’re going to Sweetwater so she can get something she needs from there.
The Colonel starts yelling for his troops to retreat. As they rush to the fort, the doors/gate closes on them from the inside. Teddy asks what Dolores is doing and she says what she has to do. The Major calls Dolores a traitorous bitch and Teddy punches him. She reminds him she said she needed the men to survive their threat. Confederados – Like lambs to the slaughter.

Dolores, now back at the top of the fort, tells Angela to shoot the trigger for all the explosives surrounding the fort. This lays waste to the remaining recon team. Bernard in the meantime is trying desperately to escape but his foot is now malfunctioning too. Clementine waltzes over, bashes him in the head with a rifle and drags him away.
Major Braddock tells Dolores his men’s blood is on her hands. Dolores says the truth is, not everyone deserves to make it. She takes Braddock’s gun from his holster, walks over to Teddy and tells him to kill him and the rest of them. Dolores walks away but watches to make sure Teddy will do as she told him to.
Teddy has the gun pointed at Braddock but in the end, he can’t pull the trigger. Opting to shoot the wall behind him instead. He tells all of them to get out of there and go. The look on Dolores’ face says it all. Oh, Teddy. You’re going to pay for this later buddy!

To wrap up the show, we go back in time to see Grace washing up to shore along with the dead Bengal’s body. She looks up to see Natives towering over her. Next we see Maeve and company walking through a forest with snow falling lightly around them. We’ve never seen it rain in Westworld but now we know it can snow in other sections of the park!
We see Lee, Maeve, Hector, Armistice, Felix and Sylvester slowly walking through an area where someone has made camp. The fire is still burning. Lee, inexplicably drawn to a lump of snow that’s formed under a tree, digs up the severed head of a Shogun World warrior. Ah, so that’s where we are. Explains the snow.
Lee comes running towards Maeve and tells her they need to get out of there. Suddenly, out of the trees charges a Shogun Warrior yielding a samurai sword. And he’s headed straight towards Maeve! Cut to black. The End. And all of us fans loose our minds again.
Next: Shogun World: The newest addition to Westworld
Westworld airs every Sunday on HBO at 9 P.M. EST!
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