Eight new parks we want to see on Westworld

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Gods of Egypt
Gods of Egypt /

Valley of the Pharaohs

Welcome to The Valley of the Pharaohs, a Delos destination set in Ancient Egypt. Visitors arrive in covered palanquins, and can choose from a wide variety of stories tailor-made to suit even the most casual of adventurers.

Here, the great pyramids of Egypt serve as a backdrop for narratives like “Cleopatra’s Pleasure Barge,” where visitors join the Queen of Egypt as she sails down the Nile indulging in every luxury. Or, if sailing isn’t your thing, pick up a sword and help Rameses defend the grand city of Memphis from the invading Hittites.

Exodus: Gods and Kings
Exodus: Gods and Kings /

Alternatively, try ruling the land from the capital city of Alexandria. Bring your family and rule the kingdom as a dynasty, worship the gods as a priest of Osiris, Anubis, and Ra, or join a sect of assassins and help overthrow the mythical ruler King Menes. Exit through the giant sarcophagus/gift shop.