Doctor Who Twitch Watch: recommendations of the day 06/08


The Third Doctor’s era begins on Twitch today – in full color! How were his first two stories for Doctor Who?

We all hope you enjoyed yesterday’s last two stories for the Second Doctor on Twitch. Particularly The War Games, which left a huge impact on Doctor Who.

As we say goodbye to not just a great Doctor but also the age of black and white, today, we head into a brand new era for Doctor Who. How strong is the beginning of Jon Pertwee’s run on the show?

Photo credit: Doctor Who/BBC

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Spearhead from Space

More from Winter is Coming

Continuing directly from perhaps one of Doctor Who’s greatest cliffhangers, Spearhead from Space is a major story in several ways. First off, it was the first appearance of the Third Doctor. (You didn’t even see him in the regeneration scene at the end of The War Games.)

Secondly, and perhaps even more noticeably, it’s the first Doctor Who story in color. And from the very beginning, you could tell that the production team were really happy about this. With a new and very colorful title sequence, a brand new decade has begun for the show!

However, it’s not just the very look of the show that’s changed. Spearhead from Space begins a very risky new era for Doctor Who. Namely, the fact that the Doctor can no longer travel in time and space in his TARDIS. As part of his punishment for interfering in the affairs of other planets, the Time Lords have sentenced him to exile.


However, he’s not alone in fighting off alien invasions. He’s reunited with his old friend, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. But considering that he now has a completely different face, can the Brigadier really believe that this is the same man who fought with him against both the Yeti and the Cybermen?

It’s not long before they begin to realize that they need each other though, as a new alien threat needs to be faced. Appearing for the first time in Doctor Who history, the Doctor and UNIT face the Autons!

It’s not hard to see why this enemy has endured, especially in their original story. At this point, they just might be at their most effective. The costumes of the walking plastic dummies are incredibly creepy. The fact that they are entirely silent adds to this.

It’s also not hard to see why Russell T Davies essentially used Spearhead from Space as the basis for Rose when he revived the series. Both stories aim to completely refresh Doctor Who for a new era, and both are introducing brand new Doctors.

Out of the two though, Spearhead is the stronger story. There’s a lot of build-up with the Nestenes, great moments of horror, and the invasion towards the end is terrifying. A brilliant story that kicks off the new color era.

The Doctor meets a Silurian.

(Photo credit: Doctor Who/BBC.

Image obtained from: BBC Press.)

Doctor Who and the Silurians

Only Pertwee’s second story, and we come to another huge moment for Doctor Who and its mythology. Because, as I’m sure you’ve guessed from the title, this is the first story where he encounters the Silurians.

Fans who’ve only seen them in New Series stories might be surprised by their original appearance. Looking radically different, with even a powerful third eye, this is a very different design to what was later seen from Series Five onwards.

However, the themes that Doctor Who and the Silurians explores is definitely shared with its New Series counterpart, The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood. In a much deeper way too than in the later story. Which isn’t surprising, as the original story lasts for seven episodes.

Ordinarily, an extended length would be a problem. Issues such as padding certainly tend to crop up in many six-part stories.

Thankfully, The Silurians doesn’t have such problems. It helps that the amount of plot it features justifies such a length. There’s a lot of buildup and tension, and the issues the story explores are very complex and deep.

The Doctor sees both sides as having an equal right to the planet. Of course, people on both sides don’t agree, and want the other wiped out. The more the story goes on, the worse the situation gets.

The Silurians is a rich and morally complex story. Again, while the sequel story with Matt Smith tried to explore the same themes, the original story is still superior. A lengthy watch, but also a gripping one, too.

Overall recommendation: Spearhead from Space

This was a really tricky choice to make. Both stories are very strong, and helped to set up the overall tone of this new era.

But Spearhead from Space had to do so much in one story. It had to introduce a brand new Doctor to the audience, establish a completely new and distinct era, while at the same time, continue from the previous season’s shocking cliffhanger.

On all of these points, the story does an excellent job. So it’s why I’ve decided to give this one a slightly stronger recommendation than The Silurians. It’s also an absolutely brilliant story.

Next: Doctor Who Twitch Watch: recommendations of the day 06/07

Out of today’s stories, which are you looking forward to watching? Are you a fan of Pertwee’s Doctor? Or are you excited to begin watching him for the first time? Let us know in the comments below.