10 Game of Thrones dads who give Father’s Day a bad name

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Stannis Baratheon

This one hurts, because there are moments in the series when Stannis seems like he could have been a good father. Yes, he’s harsh with his daughter Shireen, refusing to sugarcoat matters after he throws her friend Davos Seaworth in prison, for example. But he also cares for her, and went to incredible lengths to cure the greyscale she contracted as a baby. “You are the princess Shireen of the House Baratheon,” he once told her, “and you are my daughter.” And the fans wept.

But it wasn’t to last. In perhaps the most disturbing scene on a show jam-packed with disturbing scenes, Stannis Baratheon, his army pinned down by a snow storm and his ear bent to the machinations of his mystic advisor Melisandre, burned his daughter at the stake, trusting that her sacrifice would help him win his war effort. The snows cleared, but Stannis still lost. He lost his war, he lost his soul, and he lost the only thing that was worth fighting for, even if he didn’t realize it until it was too late.

And those are the fathers of Game of Thrones. Yes, there are a few who aren’t disasters. Ned Stark loved his children and Mace Tyrell seemed like a decent enough dad, but by and large, they’ve got issues. We didn’t even touch Jaime Lannister, who’s relationship with his children is complicated at best.

Father’s Day is coming up. Give your dad a call. Buy him a card. Let him take you golfing even if it’s boring as sin, etc and so forth. And if you two have problems, take comfort that most dads aren’t anywhere near as bad as the guys on this list.

Happy (almost) Father’s Day!

Next: HBO orders pilot for Game of Thrones prequel series!

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