5 questions we need answered in the Westworld season 2 finale

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Why were all those hosts floating in the water in the premiere?

Remember all those hosts floating in that body of water in the season 2 premiere? Well, we want to know how both the hosts and the water got there in the first place. Sure, Bernard claimed he “killed them all,” but we can’t really trust what he says or does at this point.

We know that the park has a gigantic earth moving machine, so that it can shape valleys and rivers, whole towns and even mountains to fit any particular narrative. It is plausible someone used that machine to move walls in order to allow the water to fill the area. With Dr. Ford floating around in his head, Bernard seems a likely suspect to do the deed, especially since he claimed responsibility for it.

But what if the flood was caused by the Man in Black who keeps saying he wants to destroy the park after finishing Ford’s final game? It could also be Dolores covering her tracks as she makes good her escape from Westworld. The possibilities are endless, but one thing is for sure, the flood killed a large number of hosts and Teddy’s body was seen among them. How would Tedy’s body get to that location, when he killed himself in an abandoned house in another part of the park?

Break out your tinfoil hats, this reveal is sure to be a game changer.