5 questions we need answered in the Westworld season 2 finale

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Was the Man in Black’s daughter a host?

On the surface, this question seems ridiculous, as we saw Emily (going by the name Grace) shoot a man before having sex with him just to prove he was human. After that, however, the waters begin to get murky. Emily somehow magically found her father riding across the prairie. Then, after he abandoned her in the middle of the night, she found him again in the camp of the Ghost Nation tribe.

How did she so easily find him in a park as massive as Westworld? The host’s mesh network, that’s how. In episode 209, the Man in Black convinces himself that his daughter is actually a host being controlled by Dr. Ford to mess with his mind. He pulls his gun and eventually shoots her, killing her, we are led to believe.

When last we saw him, MIB was about to cut his arms open in order to prove to himself that he wasn’t a host. If Emily and her mother have been resurrected in the body of hosts from the Forge, then it makes Ford’s final game for William that much more poignant.