HBO may not have attended this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, but that didn’t stop Game of Thrones fans from dressing up as their favorite characters and turning out in droves. CNET was on hand to interview these fine people, and asked them the question on everyone’s mind: How will Game of Thrones end?
I enjoyed how the interviewer talked to the cosplayers like they were actually cast members. I especially liked the guy dressed up as Jon Snow; he even flapped his cloak like Kit Harington did while goofing off behind the scenes of season 7:
“The White Walkers are going to reach the Eyrie, realize it’s impenetrable…” Wait, what? When did Jon Snow move the Northern host to the Vale? Oh, Jon Snow cosplayer, you truly know nothing.
Next, we have Daenerys Targaryen and Sansa Stark, both of whom are dressed to impress. I really dig the Sansa cosplayer; she nailed the look, and the accent sells it. “I found my calling in life,” Sansa says. “There are so many abused and poor wretched animals out there and I’m going to start a shelter, a rescue for all the dogs.” Yes, Sansa, for all the dogs.
The Hound, meanwhile, thinks Sandor and Sansa will sit the Iron Throne “ruling all these idiots.” He definitely has the Hound’s attitude down, and his outfit is on point right down to the hound’s head helmet.

I’ve also got to cheer on Lady Olenna, who has a deal with the Night King to resurrect her. “Tell Cersei I’m coming for her.”
And of course the Night King looks fantastic, and he even brought a baby with him. “Everyone dies.” That’s a popular one.
Incidentally, we asked cosplayers much the same question at this year’s Con of Thrones. Roll the tape:
So there’s no shortage of opinions. Bring on 2019.
Next: Guardians of the Galaxy stars, celebrities and fans rally behind James Gunn
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