Matching 50 Game of Thrones characters with each of the 50 states
Alabama: Sansa Stark
Sansa Stark is one of the most transformed characters on Game of Thrones universe. At the start of the series, she is whiny and weak, often relying on others to take care of her. When last we se her at the end of season 7, she has, by necessity, become a powerful leader of her house, and of the North as a whole.
Still, her identity is deeply informed by where she came from, not unlike the people of the Yellowhammer State. Alabamians’ lives are informed by their rich history. They are also famously passionate about their football culture (don’t even think about getting a Crimson Tide fan started). Likewise, Sansa prides herself on her Northern roots, as well as her family name. She’s a Stark by birth, and won’t let anyone forget that, no matter to whom she’s been married off to.
Sometimes, both Sansa and Alabama can come off as a bit pretentious. They place high values on decorum (even as Sansa has become more of a power player of late, she never forsakes her manners). Outsiders might read into this as off-putting, but it’s part of how Sansa is raised, and how she interacts with the world.
You have to love both Alabama and Sansa Stark for their strong sense of identity and ability to grow and adapt. Sansa might technically be a Northern belle, but she has the spirit of the American south.