8. Iwan Rheon (Inhumans)
You can hate his character all you want, but you can’t deny that actor Iwan Rheon is a true talent. He turned the despicable Ramsay Bolton into a villain that many fans hate even more than Joffrey Baratheon, which at one time seemed impossible. Rheon always knew how to walk the fine line between humor and darkness. He was an excellent villain and will — dare I say it — be missed by a few of us darker souls.
Unfortunately, sometimes talent can go to waste. Last year, Rheon joined the cast of ABC’s superhero drama Inhumans. Rheon played Maximus, brother to Black Bolt. Black Bolt was head of the Inhuman Royal Family as well as king. Maximus wanted the kingship for himself, but was looked down upon by the rest of his family. And so the stage is set for some Game of Thrones-like drama.
The premise sounds interesting enough, but the series simply fell apart. Glen Weldon of NPR summed it up: “To make something from a Marvel concept this blithely, wonderfully and resolutely weird demands time and budget and — maybe most of all — commitment, and none of those three things showed up to set.”
From a strange CGI hound to a soapy plot, this Marvel series was full of missteps. It’s a shame it didn’t give Rheon a better platform for his abilities.