Westworld: Showrunners tease that season 3 will be a radical shift

Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations /

Westworld season 3 will have a radical shift and will be a fresh start for the series, according to showrunners.

Westworld season 3 may be a distant thought for now, but showrunners Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy Nolan are already discussing what’s in store for the critically-acclaimed series when it returns. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the Nolans spoke about the second season, their 21 Emmy nominations for season 2, and the repiloting of season 3.

Season 2 ended on a jarring note as with Dolores and Bernard leaving the park, and many of the hosts heading off into what is referred to as the Sublime. It’s safe to assume that a lot of season 3 will be taking place outside of the park, or as Lisa Joy refers to it as “terra incognita,” or the edge of uncharted territory.

According to Nolan, season 3 will be a radical shift:

"“What’s compelling and appealing about these characters is that they’re not human. As we said in the show, humans are bound by the same loops the hosts are, in some ways even smaller. You couldn’t expect human characters to withstand and survive the kind of story that we’re telling,” Nolans revealed. “The hosts have a different version of mortality, a different outlook. I think clearly with Dolores, as she’s laid out, there is a longer view here, a larger set of goals. They’re existential. They span eons. And that’s a fascinating level of story 
to engage in.”"

When asked about Tessa Thompson’s character, Charlotte Hale, who essentially “dies” at the end of season 2, the Nolans stated they are excited to see where Thompson’s talents will take the character in the third season, given her versatility as an actress.

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Both Jonathan and Lisa have received feedback regarding the explosive second season and many have reached out in regards to their personal lives feeling like a loop of violence that they haven’t been able to get out of. For them, Westworld is a series they can resonate with and relate to.

What are you looking forward to for season 3? Share your comments below!