WiC Binges: Disenchantment (Netflix)

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Episode 2: “For Whom the Pig Oinks”

“For Whom the Pig Oinks” is a much better, faster-paced episode than the premiere. Luci the demon is still my favorite character, but Elfo had a strong outing in this episode, and provided some timely laughs on Merkimer’s bachelor party barge.

The episode picks up after the premiere’s literal cliffhanger, with Princess Bean flinging herself off a mountain to avoid being forced into a royal marriage. Bean, Elfo and Luci are taken back to the castle, where her father still intends for her to marry Merkimer. Elfo is taken to be experimented on for his magical elf blood, but he doesn’t care so long as he’s near Bean; the little guy is nursing a huge crush.

Bean hatches a plan to have the foppish Merkimer take a party barge out to an island of mermaids in hopes he’ll hear their siren song and be lured to his death. Only there’s an island filled with walruses right next to the island. They have a siren song, too, so when the barge gets close, Merkimer is lured to shore and has sex with them all; it’s easily the comic highpoint of the episode.

Bean thinks she has rid herself of her intended, and has the captain turn around and sale home. On the way, they are attacked by a group of Bozaks, a tribe of ogre-looking brutes. Just when all seems lost, Merkimer arrives riding his walruses, and they torpedo the enemy vessel. They return to the castle safe and sound, only to find out that the Bozaks were allies of King Zøg. Oh, dear.

Before the marriage can recommence, Merkimer sneaks into the laboratory where Elfo’s magical blood is being siphoned and drinks what’s left of it. You see, he’s heard that elf blood can restore health and life and vigor, which he needs after banging a huddle of walruses. But he doesn’t know that Bean has poured a bunch of pig’s blood into the bottle, and Elfo’s magical blood turns Merkimer into a pig.

In the end, Merkimer became a pig, and Bean’s father consented to release her from the marriage. All is right in Dreamland once again.