Doctor Who review: Arrangements for War (Sixth Doctor audio)


The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn find themselves in a world of both love and war. Does romance work well in the world of Doctor Who?

You may have recently noticed that a few of our recent articles have covered the Forge from Big Finish’s Doctor Who audios. These articles have covered who they are, why they should return, and even why they should feature in a Torchwood audio. We’ve also been reviewing key Forge stories, including Project: Twilight and Project: Lazarus.

Arrangements for War isn’t exactly tied into their story. They don’t show up at any point or are even remotely hinted at. Even the very genre is completely different. Forge stories tend to be more focused on dark sci-fi and horror. But Arrangements for War is unashamedly a classic love story.

However, there are two key ways that this Sixth Doctor and Evelyn tale does have some relevance to the Forge’s stories. Firstly, it follows on directly from the first half of Project: Lazarus.


The Doctor and Evelyn have just watched someone die, someone they’re rather close to, and Evelyn doesn’t like the Doctor’s attitude. Oh, he’s not acting arrogant or pompous. But the grief doesn’t seem to be hitting him as hard as it’s hitting Evelyn. She needs a break. Not just from adventures, but from the Doctor, too.

Világ seems to be the perfect place for that, especially with an important marriage ceremony taking place. But even separated, will the Doctor and Evelyn be able to remain out of trouble?

What I really adore about Arrangements for War is how it takes a hard look at the emotional cost of travelling in the TARDIS. We know that both the Doctor and their companions face death regularly. Not just the risk of death, but they also see a lot of good people dying along the way.

That would take its toll on anyone, so it’s great that this story explores that aspect with Evelyn. Particularly as she’s someone who’s facing death even closer to home, due to her heart condition. So of course, she doesn’t want to get used to it.

This creates great drama between her and the Doctor, and both Colin Baker and Maggie Stables give great performances as a result. The Sixth Doctor’s and Evelyn’s relationship is wonderful to listen to, so it’s great to see it really shaken up here.

The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe face love and war on Vilag in Arrangements for War.

(Image credit: Doctor Who/Big Finish Productions.

Image obtained from: Big Finish Productions.)

Forbidden love

On top of this, we have a classic forbidden romance story between the star-crossed lovers of Krisztina and Reid. Doctor Who doesn’t often handle this kind of story, especially one presented so shamelessly, but it works.

While there is a huge war by the end of the story, you do feel drawn to these two characters, and you want them to have a happy ending. The performances are played perfectly straight, which is exactly how a story like this needs to be handled.

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We also have Gabriel Woolf as Governor Rossiter. A voice more famous now for playing both Sutekth in Pyramids of Mars and the Beast in The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, Woolf gets a break from playing villains in this one. In fact, this time, he’s a love interest for Evelyn.

He’s perfectly cast, coming across as instantly likable and charming. You can believe Evelyn falling for him so quickly, and vice versa, due to the excellent chemistry shared between Stables and Woolf.

Overall, Arrangements for War is a fantastic take on the romance genre. It plays it straight, while still making it work as a Doctor Who story, complete with an alien invasion. In many ways, it’s rather refreshing.

Now, I said this story kind of connects to the Forge arc in two ways. The second way is how it sets things up for the sequel story Thicker Than Water. Because by the end, both Evelyn and the audience learn of a major secret that the Doctor is keeping. But more on that later…

Next. The Third Doctor and Kate Stewart. dark

Have you listened to Arrangements for War? Do you enjoy a good romance? Would you like to see Doctor Who tackle more directly in a TV episode? Let us know in the comments below.