The 25 Best Fighters on Game of Thrones, Ranked

Credit: HBO
Credit: HBO
15 of 26

12) BRIENNE OF TARTH (Previous Ranking: 7)

Category: Questing Knight (though not knighted)

One of our other favorite ladies of Westeros has been busy with the blade since her first appearance, chalking up a tournament victory over Loras Tyrell, taking down soldiers while escorting Jaime Lannister to King’s Landing, fighting a bear, defeating the wounded Hound and saving Sansa Stark from Bolton riders.

All Brienne has ever wanted is a worthy master to pledge her sword to, and after losing both King Renly Baratheon and Lady Catelyn Stark, it appears she’s finally found her home as the loyal shield to Lady Sansa Stark. She’s good, she’s honorable, and she cuts through regular soldiers with her thrusts, parries, and John McEnroe-style grunting.

Why rank Brienne above the Faceless Man-trained Arya? From the look of their sparring session, the two seem evenly matched despite their very different styles. But one has to place above the other, so we’ll give Brienne the nod due to her more extensive experience (and that awesome boot-to-the-chest move she pulled on Arya).