The 25 Best Fighters on Game of Thrones, Ranked

Credit: HBO
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16 of 26

11) BRONN (Previous Ranking: 11)

Category: Street Fighter

Little is known of Bronn’s early life, but growing up as he did in the slums of King’s Landing, we can assume it was harsh. He claims he made his first kill at the age of twelve, felling a woman who attacked him with an axe. He’s grown up to become an extremely capable and streetwise sellsword, and we’ve seen him in action a lot on Game of Thrones.

Bronn doesn’t fight with honor — he sees that as a surefire way of getting killed — and relies on his eagle-sharp instincts and extensive experience to see him though confrontations. He’s opportunistic, and jumps at the chance to improve his position by representing Tyrion Lannister in a trial by combat against Ser Vardis Egen at the Eyrie. He’s also smart; in season 4, he’s realistic enough to know that he stands little chance against the Mountain, refused Tyrion’s offer, and lived to fight another day.

Bronn’s current meal ticket is Jaime Lannister, and he showed a lot nerve in protecting that ticket from a fire-breathing dragon at the disastrous Battle of the Goldroad.