The 25 Best Fighters on Game of Thrones, Ranked

Credit: HBO
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9 of 26

18) EURON GREYJOY (Previous Ranking: Unranked)

Category: Berserker

If anybody on this list wins the medal for battle blood-rage, it’s gotta be the new King of the Iron Islands, Euron Greyjoy. He’s a terrifying foe, as we saw in the sea battle against Yara’s fleet in “Stormborn (S7/Ep2). Swinging his kraken battle axe with abandon and lovin’ every minute of it, Euron obliterates the Sand Snakes Obara and Nymeria, captures Yara Greyjoy and sends the frightened Theon scrambling overboard.

Euron’s arrogance might even surpass his war talents, as he illustrates in a conversation with Balon Greyjoy before he tosses him off a rope bridge in “Home,” (S6/Ep2): “I don’t mock the Drowned God. I am the Drowned God. From Oldtown to Qarth, when men see my sails, they pray.” Big words, but thus far he’s talked the talk and walked the walk.