Finn Jones (Loras) has a couple theories on how Game of Thrones will end

Finn Jones’ time on Game of Thrones ended in the season 6 finale, when Loras Tyrell went up in flames along with the rest of his family when Cersei exploded the Sept of Baelor. But even though he’s been off the show for a couple years, the Iron Fist star still has ideas about how it will all end. Watch him air them out to PEOPLE below.

"I have my theories. I basically don’t think there will be a throne anymore, and I don’t think there will be, like, a centralized seat of power. And I think power will be given back to the individual kingdoms, so more like a democratic rule."

Daenerys has long talked about wanting to “break the wheel.” Returning the Seven Kingdoms to, uh, the seven kingdoms would be one way to do that. In some ways, she’s already begun the process, granting the Iron Islands self-rule in return for a prohibition on them raiding the mainland. Also, way back in the season 2 finale, Dany had a vision of a ruined Iron Throne room. Maybe Jones is on to something.

Of course, this is Game of Thrones, where the bodies hit the floor faster than early 2000s’ alternative metal. Jones is naive about this. “But, I think that is probably a bit too, like, utopian for Game of Thrones,” he says. “[A]nd I think eventually what will happen is just, everyone will die.” Well, all men must do it.

Hopefully, the actual ending is a little less bleak than that. Maybe there’s a midway point in between those two theories, something far short of utopia but still not so bleak that there’s no hope things will ever get better…benevolent despotism?

By the way, the actress next to Jones is Jessica Henwick, who stars alongside him in Iron Fist and played Nymeria Sand for a few seasons on Thrones. You can watch both of them on the second season of Iron First, debuting exclusively on Netflix September 7.

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h/t SyFy Wire