Take the Black Live: Three things Game of Thrones needs to do to have a satisfying ending

Credit: HBO
Credit: HBO

It’s time for Take the Black Live, the weekly chat show where we bring you the latest in Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire news and discussion!

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This week’s episode is heavy on the discussion, since there wasn’t much news to be had. Let’s play a game, shall we? Imagine that you’re in control of how Game of Thrones ends. You get to mandate that the show do three things — no more, no less — with its final bow. What are the three things you need from the ending of this most iconic of television programs? What three things must it do in order for you to be able to call the ending satisfying and still look at yourself in the mirror every morning?

Myself and Culturess editor Cheryl Wassenaar run down our lists. Do they match yours? Let us know in the comments!

We’ll be back with another episode of Take the Black Live next Wednesday, September 12 at 4:00 p.m. CST. We stream the show live on our Facebook page, and we hope to see you there. I’ll be off for vacation, but Cheryl and FanSided editor Josh Hill will be bringing you news you can use and then some.

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