Macedonia: Davos Seaworth
Davos Seaworth, advisor to first Stannis Baratheon and later Jon Snow, may be one of the last truly decent men left in Westeros. With a last name like “Seaworth” and a reputation for smuggling onions across bodies of water, whatever country we match with him must have some serious aquatic connections, and Macedonia has a ton!
For starters, this country is home to the world’s deepest underwater cave. Cave Vrelo has a depth of 77 meters and is consistently named as a must-see stop if you’re visiting the country. Macedonia is also home to one of the world’s oldest lakes: Ohrid Lake goes back a reported 4 million years.
In addition to all the water, Davos would probably be interested in Macedonia because it’s where the Cyrillic alphabet was invented. One of my favorite side plots on Game of Thrones (and, ultimately, one of the most heart-wrenching) was young Shireen Baratheon teaching Davos to read. He struggles with some of the letter sounds, but her help, he’s soon reading stories about Aegon the Conqueror.
While Davos’ reading lessons may have ended with Shireen (RIP), he’s still a hard-working, wanna-be scholar at heart. He just doesn’t always get the opportunity to relax and learn. He’s earned a holiday in Macedonia.