Matching 50 Game of Thrones characters with 50 European countries

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Hungary: Yara Greyjoy

Any country matched with a Greyjoy has to have a close relationship with water. Hungary more than fits the bill for the kraken’s daughter.

If you travel to this central European country, you’ll find one of the biggest lakes in all of Europe. It’s called “Magyar tenger,” aka “the Hungarian sea.” It covers an area of almost 230 square miles. In Hungary, you can also find plenty of hot springs. There are over 1,000, making this destination the perfect place to relax by the water.

The country is also a good fit for Yara Greyjoy because of its political history. The country has often been in a state of war, probably due to its location. It lies between eastern and western regions of Europe, providing a perfect battle ground for clashing cultures.

The Greyjoys, too, seem constantly at war. Not only have they rebelled against the crown more than once, but there is also turmoil within their ranks. Most recently, Euron rose up against Yara to make a claim to be leader of the Iron Islands.

Yara doesn’t shrink from the challenge. While she is currently being held in captivity by Euron, she’s still fighting. Fingers crossed that, like Hungary, she’ll soldier on.