Top 10 wildest Game of Thrones fan theories ahead of season 8

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Game of Thrones fans are some of the most creative and dedicated people on the planet; with a show this complex, they pretty much have to be. Their love of all things Westeros leads some to fill in every gap in HBO’s mega-hit, coming up with theories about what’s going to happen when HBO leaves the real answer just out of reach. And as we cruise into the home stretch of the show, many have taken to predicting how it’s going to end.

And while Thrones fans ave a great track record for puzzling out the story’s biggest twists, we aren’t here to discuss the theories likely to be proven right by season 8. No, we’re here to talk about the wildest and craziest theories out there, the ones that almost no chance of being borne out.

But you never know, especially on a show as unpredictable as Game of Thrones. The show has more than once pulled an ace out of its sleeve, and with any luck we’ll identify a couple with this list. Enjoy!