Westworld took the world by storm when it first premiered in 2016, and since then fans have continued to be taken away by its intricate story, complicated characters, and multiple timelines. Here are 5 reasons why this is the show for you!
Westworld is the perfect combo of mystery, allure, and suspense and it’s perhaps one of the biggest reasons why fans love to watch this show. In fact, many Game of Thrones fans have taken a liking to this world of hosts, robots, and concept of sentience.
There is so much to love about this show that we can’t really get from anywhere else. The level of engagement and compassion fans feel keeps the love going between the ridiculously long hiatuses that we’re all subjected to.
Whether it’s the theories, the cinematography, the music, or the plot that entices you, there is something for every sci-fi (or otherwise) loving fan. So without further ado, let’s dive into 5 reasons to watch our beloved Westworld.

Girl power
Can we take a moment to appreciate the women of the series that bring life to the sci-fi aura of Westworld? There is something to be said about how empowering the female characters are and how much inspiration fans get when watching them.
Watching them kick ass in combat or take others down with their fierce and powerful words is something to admire. Even better than the strong female characters of the show? The amazing women who portray them.
Thandie Newton and Evan Rachel Wood are the personification of #goals and we can’t get enough of them in every scene they’re in playing Maeve and Dolores. We’re sucked into their story and their fierce presence and their performance are amplified by the supporting female cast that takes it to another level.

Theories, theories, and more theories
What sci-fi fan doesn’t love theories? Well, Westworld is full of them and ever since the season 1 premiere, we’ve all perpetually been stuck in a state of coming up with explanations as to what is going on.
Fans take to Reddit to solve the puzzles and mysteries of the series, and it’s unlike anything we’ve seen before. In fact, it’s one of the many things that it has in common with Game of Thrones. Theories are the heart of the show and a huge part of the fandom, and it is one of the biggest reasons why people enjoy and get drawn to the show.
Whether you’re trying to figure out who is a host or who is in the mind modules Dolores took with her, there are plenty of theories to keep you busy until the series returns.

Westworld feels like a crystal ball into our future
If you’re a sci-fi fan then perhaps the most intriguing thing about Westworld is that it feels like an eerie flash-forward to our future. Maybe not the near future, but given the rate at which technology is developing, it very well could be.
While shows like Game of Thrones is a story embedded in fantasy, Westworld depicts a world that isn’t as far-fetched as we may think. Both have badass female leads, the determination to rise to the challenge, and a collection of animals that are used as weapons, however, Westworld has the ability to get us thinking about what the future holds.
As it explores the deep levels of the human psyche, the concept of humanity, and technological advancement, it also starts to propel the idea of what advancements lie ahead, and how it could change our world forever.

The beautiful, heart-thumping music
The background score of Westworld is enough to entice not just sci-fi fans, but fans of all kinds. Composer, Ramin Djawadi, is the musical genius behind all the music not only for Westworld but Game of Thrones as well.
His Emmy nominations are well-deserved and thanks to him, the series has one hell of a theme song with a tune that never leaves your mind. During the season 2 of Westworld, he did a number of renditions including Nirvana’s “Heart-Shaped Box” and Wu-Tang Clan’s “C.R.E.A.M.”.
He’s basically the individual responsible for breathing life into all the gut-wrenching, riveting moments on the show which without his compositions just wouldn’t have the vibe they do.

That cinematography, though
Westworld’s beauty lies in the manner in which the world comes to life through its intricate visual effects and cinematography. It’s a magical world that brings you right in and keeps you there in all its robotic glory.
The backdrop of the Utah mountains and vistas is the perfect location for the show to present their story and narrative, and honestly, it’s all so breathtaking. The environment, atmosphere, and characters all bring the cinematography together, and the manner in which it is captured truly takes you into the heart of this world.
What are some of your favorite reasons to watch Westworld? Share your comments below or on our Twitter, @BeyondWestworld.